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Catalog of Web Activites
Physics review and introduction to the Hypertextbook
Special Relativity - the mass-energy relationships
Particle Physics
Search for the Building Blocks exhibit - a very well-illustrated story of the work done at FermiLab
High energy physics made painless - for those who don't have a PhD in reading technical papers
Particle Adventure - Your guide to the Standard Model
Projects and Activites
Particle fireworks - build your own hadron and diagram the interactions
- play the particle games!
Teacher Resources
QuarkNet Educational Resources
FermiLab Education Office Teachers Resource Center
Berkeley Labs Educational Outreach
Easy Reading
Nobel Prize in Physics - collected biographies of the laureates and their speches. What percentage of the physics prizes have been awarded for particle physics research?
Questions may be emailed to any of the following individuals:
Rice Faculty Coord.: Prof. Marj Corcorran: corcoran@physics.rice.edu
UH Faculty Coord.: Prof. L. Pinsky: pinsky@uh.edu
UH Program Coord.: John Wilson: John.Wilson@mail.uh.edu
UH Outreach Webpage Designer: Amanda Parker.: arparker2@uh.edu